Giving Yourself Credit: A Key Strategy For Building and Sustaining Motivation
Quick Tips For Giving Yourself Credit: It helps you to stay motivated. Motivation gets drained when you expect too much of yourself too quickly, when you beat yourself up, and when you compare yourself to people who are further along. Giving yourself credit helps...
Even if you think you can’t, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s true
Recently, when I’ve been socializing at get togethers and we start talking about what we do for work and I tell them that I am self-employed, I’ve noticed that more often than not there’s a woman who will inevitably say things like: “I wish that I could start my own...
How I’m Centering Myself Through Morning Pages
Recently, I’ve been finding it more difficult to concentrate and to really know where to focus my attention. It’s really no wonder, given that I started working on a new business venture last fall and am also enrolled in a certification program that is equivalent to...
Being Okay with The Discomfort of Starting a New Business and Being a Newbie: When You Can’t Guarantee How Things Will Go
This is one of the first blog posts that I’m writing for my coaching website, and if I’m being absolutely honest, I feel vulnerable admitting that I’m such a newbie in this arena. It’s a struggle for me to accept and admit that my coaching business is brand spanking...
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