{Video} Here’s to a Fresh and Joyful Way of Defining Success

{Video} Here’s to a Fresh and Joyful Way of Defining Success

Are you someone who rushes from one achievement to the next, never staying long enough in the moment to enjoy the journey? If this is you, know that you’re not alone. A lot of us feel anxious to get to the next goal, whether we’re looking to increase our...
Upgrade Your Beliefs, Achieve Your Goals

Upgrade Your Beliefs, Achieve Your Goals

Have you ever set yourself a challenge goal, known exactly what you needed to do in order to reach it, followed through on your action steps, and still had trouble achieving the goal? Goals such as: permanently losing that 10-15 pounds that you’ve lost and...
When We Follow Rules That Are Not Helpful

When We Follow Rules That Are Not Helpful

I have an annoying roommate who I’ll refer to as Bossy Sylvia. She shows up at weird hours of the day and night to tell me what I’m doing wrong. Even though I know that she’s not real and is just an internal voice in my head that wants to keep me in my little box, she...