Do you feel a sense of abundance in your life right now, or are you struggling with feelings of scarcity? I know that when I have the perspective of abundance, I’m in a good place. Life feels full of possibilities, and I’m in the flow. Yet it’s...
When you’re not clear on your “why” and you’re not sure what you’re passionate about, it’s really hard to get yourself to move forward. As a business owner, especially, it’s super important to get very clear on what’s...
Do you spend a lot of time sitting down during the day? Do you finish work feeling drained, wanting to come home and numb out on Netflix shows rather than being present those around you? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it’s likely that you...
Imagine a goal you want to achieve. Have you got it in your mind? Now flesh it out in really concrete terms, and imagine that you’ve achieved it. Answer this question: How do you know that you achieved it? For me, the goal that I recently achieved was to lose...
Our everyday lives are full of distractions, temptations, and stressors that can lead us astray from our goals and what we hope to achieve. Distractions can be as small as the smartphone buzzing and beeping face up on our desk to as emotionally charged as the pain and...
Quick Tips for Establishing Your Own Tiny Habits: Focus on establishing no more than 4 tiny habits at a time, although one or two at a time will suffice. Track your progress on your tiny habits daily, checking them off at the end of the day so that you allow yourself...