Our everyday lives are full of distractions, temptations, and stressors that can lead us astray from our goals and what we hope to achieve. Distractions can be as small as the smartphone buzzing and beeping face up on our desk to as emotionally charged as the pain and worry that arises from chronic medical illnesses.

As entrepreneurs, we have to stay focused on what matters most most to grow our businesses rather than getting sidetracked by email black holes or administrative work that leads us nowhere.

A lot of staying focused has to do with prioritizing how we spend our time, creating a distraction free space and practicing good self-care (e.g., getting enough sleep so that we’re alert).

Additionally, there are simple actions we can take to surround ourselves with support to keep us moving in the right direction, even if we’re stressed or feeling a bit off center.

Enter the motto.

Mottos are easy to remember inspirational quotes and sayings that are tied to our deepest values and beliefs. They are simple enough to keep in our heads or to whisper underneath our breath like a mantra.

Until I started planning this blog post, I never realized how much I had incorporated mottos and mantras into my life. I have written out mottos and sprinkled them throughout my house and office, on whiteboards, taped to my bathroom mirror and hidden on the insides of my bathroom cabinets.

These mottos serve me by easing my worries and fears, improving my motivation and focus, and increasing my sense of control so that I am more likely to act in ways that are connected to my goals and beliefs.

Below are some mottos that I live by and the situations that I use them in. Feel free to incorporate the ones that resonates most with you.


(Want to receive a handout with 27 mottos to help you stay focused, regulate your mood and keep you pointing in the right direction?  Simply enter your info above.)

Mottos for dealing with negativity, stuckness and hopelessness:

  • Every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • I am responsible for my own thoughts and actions.
  • I can choose how I want to think about this.

Mottos for letting go of control:

  • Change is the only constant.
  • Be willing to accept what is.
  • Flexibility is the only true security.

Mottos for perfectionism and stress:

  • Progress not perfection.
  • Baby steps.
  • Trust the process.
  • Breathe.
  • Be kind to yourself.

Mottos for worries:

  • The only thing that I have control over is the present moment.

Mottos for taking risks:

  • You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
  • You can do it.
  • “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.” -Henry Ford

Mottos for staying firm and setting boundaries:

  • “Choose courage over resentment.” -Brené Brown
  • It’s okay to disagree.

Mottos for rejection:

  • I am one “no” closer to a “yes.”
  • I can choose not to take it personally.
  • Feel the feelings, drop the story. -Pema Chodron

Mottos for handling comparisons and concerns around being judged:

  • Stay in your lane.
  • What other people think of me is none of my business.
  • What matters more? What I think or what other people think.

Mottos for reducing judgments towards others:

  • Be kind, for everyone has a struggle.
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover.

Mottos for receiving difficult feedback:

  • Seek first to understand

Mottos for show up authentically:

  • The ultimate gift I share with others is being my truest self.

What mottos do you live by? I’d love to hear what works for you.