Do you feel a sense of abundance in your life right now, or are you struggling with feelings of scarcity?  

I know that when I have the perspective of abundance, I’m in a good place.  Life feels full of possibilities, and I’m in the flow.

Yet it’s harder to sustain when things start to get more challenging or we fall into unsettling or uncertain times.

Like right now, during an unprecedented pandemic

I know that when my mind is shutting down and I’m starting to focus on what I don’t have and what I think I’ll have trouble getting, shifting into positivity and abundance can feel impossible and quite honestly like too big of a jump for where I’m at.

Or I start to beat myself up because I know that scarcity thinking is unhelpful, but I can’t get out of it at that moment.

But there is a middle path.

It’s called sufficiency, and it’s about appreciating that there is enough and that you are enough at this moment.

When you look at your life from a perspective of sufficiency, you no longer have to chase to get what you need, hoard for a rainy day, or accumulate because you’re supposed to have a lot of a really good thing.

You can feel calm and centered, and you can trust that you’ll figure things out as you need to.

With gratitude and love,
