I have an annoying roommate who I’ll refer to as Bossy Sylvia. She shows up at weird hours of the day and night to tell me what I’m doing wrong. Even though I know that she’s not real and is just an internal voice in my head that wants to keep me in my little box, she...
Take a moment and think back to a time when an experience that you had completely invigorated your senses and shifted your perspective. It could be a concert, a conference, or a speech that you attended that left you thinking and feeling differently. Maybe it was a...
<span style=”font-weight: 400;”>There are people who you come across online with whom you immediately feel comfortable and trust. They somehow naturally embody that “Know, Like and Trust” factor that you hear about everywhere as soon when you begin...
Defusion Quick Tips: Defusion is a technique that helps you take your mind less seriously by detaching from negative thoughts that cause emotional pain. It helps reduce rumination so that you can be more present to your environment. It helps you get out of your head....
Our everyday lives are full of distractions, temptations, and stressors that can lead us astray from our goals and what we hope to achieve. Distractions can be as small as the smartphone buzzing and beeping face up on our desk to as emotionally charged as the pain and...
Recently, I’ve been finding it more difficult to concentrate and to really know where to focus my attention. It’s really no wonder, given that I started working on a new business venture last fall and am also enrolled in a certification program that is equivalent to...