I am a recovering perfectionist.

I say “recovering” because even though I’ve let go of the idea that being perfect is a good thing, I sometimes fall back into wanting to control how I appear to the outside world.

If this is you too, you’re going to love watching this video. It’s a FB Live that I recently did on why I no longer try to do things perfectly, and what I tell myself when the desire to be perfect raises its ugly head.

You see, perfectionism isn’t about healthy striving or doing the best you can.

No, being perfect and doing things to exacting standards is not really about YOU at all.

It’s about creating a shield that protects you from other people seeing your flaws.

Here’s the problem.

When you put armor around yourself, you’re often concealing the best parts of yourself.

The parts of you that are uniquely you–because even in a world that has a population of 7.6 billion people, there is only one YOU.

Only one you who is able to think, act, create and show up exactly as you are able to in this moment.

Why not allow other people the gift of connecting to who you really are?

When you watch my video, you’ll learn:

  • When it’s in your best interest to be perfect (think life or death), and when being good enough is absolutely “A” okay.
  • What to focus on instead of being perfect.
  • How to let go of tying your worth with your actions.

You’ll also learn other reasons why perfectionism isn’t all that it is cracked up to be, e.g., it often slows us down when we’re better off using our energy in other ways.

Let’s stop pretending to be some one we’re not and embrace who we really are.

By doing this, we also give permission to those around us (including our children and loved ones) to focus more on what matters vs. how we think we should appear.

I promise you that you won’t lose anything by letting go of everyday perfectionism, and you’ll experience a lot more joy along the way.

