One of my all-time favorite mantras that I absolutely live by is “action is the antidote to fear.”

I’ll say it again: Action is the antidote to fear.

It’s what I’ve experienced in my own life and what I’ve witnessed with countless numbers of clients throughout the years as a psychotherapist and also now as a mindset coach.

In this video, I share how to take action in a way that is easier than simply white-knuckling it.

We have to be honest with ourselves when fear is keeping us stuck in a rut.

We have to decide that we’ll move forward, in spite of the fear, and break down our steps into even smaller ones so that we don’t get overwhelmed or paralyzed.

The way to overcome fear is to move through it.

To practice courage, and to move forward in spite of the fear.

My friend, there is an easier way to move forward. You’ll still need to be brave and perhaps grab some hazelnut gelato for afterward, but if you keep at it, it will get easier.

As one of my mentors so wisely says, “Pray and move your feet.”

Know that I’m right here cheering you on every single step of the way, and I’m also in the arena with you, doing it scared as well.

You can do it!

Maybe not all at once, and not the way that you wish you could (at least not at first), but that’s okay.

Start now!