Oftentimes, when we’re getting in our own way, we have no clue that it’s happening.

Sure, maybe we feel irritated about things going slower than we’d like, or we feel annoyed or irritable around a situation, but we don’t recognize what’s happening enough to improve things.

In today’s video, I highlight:

  • Three ways that you can identify when you’re getting in your own way
  • Several actionable steps to improve things that you can start implementing right now!

We’re often our worst enemies when it comes to getting out of our own way.

We tolerate situations far too long, make excuses for why things aren’t working out, and have a high threshold for pain, both emotional and physical.

Sometimes we have to flounder for a while before we take action and change our situation.

But it doesn’t have to be that way!

We can get better at noticing when we neglect and sabotage our best-laid plans, and we can learn how to take responsibility for what’s happening and pivot into a better situation.

Let’s do this!