I am so excited to share an interview that I did with Susan Finn on Rise Above Noise!

In this twenty minute interview, we talk about:​

  • The pressure that we’ve felt from others to show up as someone else in our business.  Someone who is different from who we are and how we naturally relate in the world.
  • How we absolutely don’t have to be anyone else but ourselves.
  • How to grow your business from a place of authenticity and vulnerability.

I also share tips on how I help clients get out of their own way, and how you, too, can begin to recognize when your mind is getting in your way and limiting your options.

You see, most business owners don’t realize when they’re getting in their own way.  

They’re simply not in tune with all the choices that they truly have, and it keeps them from showing up as big and vibrantly as they could!

I want something more for you.  I want you to chase your dreams without snuffing them out before you even say them out loud.

I want you to grow your business by opening yourself up to the possibilities that exist that will help you realize the goals that you didn’t even think you had.

I want you to become more of yourself, not less.

When you shed the limiting beliefs and unhelpful stories that you tell yourself, you give yourself that gift.

Don’t miss out!  Watch or listen to the interview now!



PS: Sometimes it’s hard to change your limiting beliefs and mindset by yourself.  That’s where coaching comes in.  If you know you’re stuck and are ready to clear the junk in your head that’s holding you back (you may not even know what it is, but you know that it’s there), book a free call with me. You are so worth it!